Advanced Removals Helps Local Charity
Fundraisers slept-out in the cold on the streets of Stroud to raise money for the Marah Trust last Friday and we offered to help.

The town centre was turned into Cardboard City as supporters spent the night sleeping on the grounds of St Laurence Church with only cardboard and polythene sheets to keep them warm.
When we were asked if we wanted to donate anything to help those getting involved, we jumped at the chance and offered a selection of sofa covers to help keep the supporters warm.
The fundraiser began at 9pm, so those taking part were out in the cold for some time, but the idea was to draw attention to the needs of those people who are permanently homeless.
We were happy to help the Marah Trust and we had a number of sofa covers available from homeowners after helping them to move house in Stroud. It made sense to give these unwanted, but still in good condition, covers away for better use – keeping someone warm.
The Stroud MP Neil Carmichael and Labour parliamentary candidate David Drew were among the 27 sleepers who took part too, so the fundraising event attracted plenty of interest.
The money raised from this event went to Marah, a Christian charity that helps to support vulnerable adults in the Stroud district. This charity provides drop-in sessions and free-cooked food, alongside important advice, guidance and support.
Advanced Removals are always happy to help worthy causes and this one stood out to us. If you have a local charity event that you would like our help with or would welcome any donations, feel free to get in touch with us today.